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(By Lexi Ryan)


Book Review (minor spoilers):

Abriella lives in a world of debts and magical contracts. Living with her sister under their tryant aunt's roof, Brie cleans houses in the day and thieves her aunt's payments at night to buy out their contracts. Fighting with her affection for the mage apprentice next door, Sebastian, Brie refuses to give up on her endeavor to free herself and her sister. But when her sister Jas is sold to a king in the magical world of Faerie, Brie makes a deal with the Unseelie king to get her sister back, no matter the cost.

While in Faerie, Brie makes some amazing discoveries (some good and some bad) as well as meeting Prince Ronin of the Seelie court, and Finn of the band of misfits leading a rebellion. As Brie attempts to sort out her feelings for the two Faes, she's presented with a laser-like individual, the promise of a lifelong bond, and many opportunities for betrayal.

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